In its press release today RBI notified that all branches of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur (SBBJ), State Bank of Hyderabad (SBH), State Bank of Mysore (SBM), State Bank of Patiala (SBP) and State Bank of Travancore (SBT) will function as branches of State Bank of India from April 1, 2017.
The order dated February 22, 2017 issued by the Government of India with regard to acquisition of above banks by State Bank of India in terms of sub-section (2) of Section 35 of the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955) were published under Extraordinary Part II-Section 3-Sub-section (i) in the Gazette of India.Hence, the customers including depositors of State Bank of Bikaner and Jaipur, State Bank of Hyderabad, State Bank of Mysore, State Bank of Patiala and State Bank of Travancore will be treated as customers of State Bank of India with effect from April 1, 2017.
The marginal cost of capital (MCC) is the total combined cost of debt, equity, and…
The weighted average cost of capital (WACC) is the average rate that a business pays…
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) defines a personal loan as a type of unsecured…
A share is a unit of ownership in a company and has an exchangeable value…
The cost of debt is the interest rate a company pays on its debt, and…
This article explains the assumptions and key aspects of approaches to capital structuring, including the…