Operational Aspects of KYC: Wire Transfer

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has updated its wire transfer rules instructing banks and financial institutions to collect more information about wire transfers with effect from May 10, 2023. “The new rule applies to both domestic and international transfers. “All cross-border wire transfers shall be accompanied by accurate, complete, and meaningful originator and beneficiary…

KYC policy for opening bank accounts of all varieties (latest update)

(Last updated on August 04, 2024) Know Your Customer (KYC) standards are designed to protect financial institutions against fraud, corruption, money laundering, and terrorist financing. KYC involves several steps to: establish customer identity; understand the nature of customers’ activities and qualify that the source of funds is legitimate; KYC involves several steps to (i) establish…

Risk-based approach of Correspondent Banks

Correspondent banking refers to a banking relationship between two banks, where one bank (the “correspondent bank”) provides banking services to another bank (the “respondent bank”), allowing the respondent banks to access services in foreign markets. Correspondent Banking relationships are essential in facilitating the cross-border payment system and vital to international trade and investments. A risk-based…

What are FATF-identified Jurisdictions?

The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is an international policy-making and standard-setting body dedicated to tackling money laundering, terrorist, and proliferation financing. It is a global money laundering and terrorist financing watchdog that sets international standards that aim to prevent these illegal activities and the harm they cause to society. The FATF constantly identifies and…

What is enhanced due diligence (EDD)?

Enhanced due diligence (EDD) is a set of additional measures that financial institutions have to implement to check and monitor high-risk customers and unusual transactions for potential money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) activities. Enhanced due diligence (EDD) is an in-depth KYC process that can help to identify high-risk customers including politically exposed persons (PEPs).…

AML: Obligations under International Agreements

Money laundering is the process wherein criminals attempt to conceal their booty and make an attempt to cover them as a legitimate source of income. The bill on money laundering described it as an offence (i) when a crime has been committed. (ii)There are proceeds or gains from the crime. (iii) There is a transaction…

Obligations of reporting entities under PMLA of 2002

Section 2[(wa) of PMLA Act 2002, states that a  “reporting entity” means a banking company, financial institution, intermediary, or a person carrying on a designated business or profession. The Ministry of Finance vide notification dated May 03, 2023 (‘Notification’) has widened the ambit of the term “Reporting Entity” as defined in Section 2(1)(wa), read with…