Accounting ratios are metrics used to compare two or more financial data points from a company’s financial statements to measure its profitability, efficiency, and overall financial health. These ratios are typically expressed in various forms, such as proportions, fractions, percentages, or terms of the number of times one value relates to another.
Ratio = (Value of one item ÷ Value of another item) × 100
Liquidity ratios assess a company’s ability to meet short-term obligations. These ratios are often expressed in decimal form.
Activity ratios measure how efficiently a company uses its assets to generate revenue and cash. These ratios are also referred to as efficiency ratios or turnover ratios.
To gain deeper insights into a company’s financial performance, you may explore the following ratios:
Accounting ratios serve multiple purposes, including:
By using these ratios effectively, businesses and investors can draw meaningful conclusions about a company’s financial health and operational efficiency.
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