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Amount of Ex-gratia Payable for Bank Pensioners/family pensioners from November 2022

In terms of clause 13 of the 9th Joint Note between IBA & Officer’s Association and clause 36 of the 12th Bipartite Settlement between IBA and Workmen Union, states regarding the payment of

Ex-gratia for pensioners/family pensioners, who became eligible to draw a pension on or before 31.10.2022 including those who retired on 31.10.2022.

 Ex gratia amount payable to  Bank pensioners/family pensioners shall be the Basic pension attracting DA/DR + DA/DR paid for October 2022 multiplied by the Factor as provided in the below table after round up/down. To round up / down to the nearest 100, (i.e., 49 and below shall be rounded down to a lower hundred, and 50 and above shall round up to a higher hundred).

[Dearness relief chart applicable as of October 2022 is attached below.]

Basic Pension would mean the full basic pension as of 31st October 2022 (not the reduced basic pension after commutation).

For the Part-time Employees, the ex-gratia amount payable shall be based on the Basic Pension drawn by them and DA/DR applicable on the Basic Pension.

The Ex-gratia amount shall not attract any other allowance including DA/DR.

 The Ex-gratia amount payable shall be the Basic Pension attracting DA/DR +

DA/DR paid for October 2022 multiplied by the factor Chart provided by IBA)), after rounding up/down to the nearest 100.

• The Ex-gratia amount is fixed for the period between 01.11.2022 and 31.10.2027 and shall be payable from November 2022 onwards.

Retired during the periodExgratia factor
Workmen retired during 1.1.86 to 31.10.92 Officers retired during 1.1.86 to 30.06.930.17
Workmen retired during 1.11.92 to 31.03.98 Officers retired during 1.7.93 to 31.03.98   0.15
Workmen/Officers  retired during  1.04.98 to 31.10.20020.12
Workmen /Officers retired during 1.11.2002 to 31.10.20070.07
Workmen /Officers retired during 1.11.2007 to 31.10.20120.05
Workmen/Officers  retired during 1.11.2012 to 31.10.20170.03
Workmen/Officers  retired during 1.11.2017 to 31.10.20220.02

The Consumer Price Index for April, May, and June 2022 are respectively- 127.70, 129, and 129.20. Based on these average index numbers,  the DR (Dearness Relief) Rate is calculated below for the half year August to January 2023.

  • Retired on or after 1.11.2017:  Average index: 8456 – 6352= 2104= 526 slabs
No of slabsRate per Slab @Percentage of DR  payableDR payable on Basic Pension (Before commutation)
5260.0736.82 %Basic Pension × 36.82 %
  • Retired on or after 1.11.2012:  Average index: 8456 -4440 points (1004 slabs)
No of slabsRate per Slab @Percentage of DR  payableDR on Basic Pension (Before commutation)
10040.10100.40%Basic Pension ×100.40%
  • Retired on or after 1.11.2007 up to 31.10.2012: Average index 8456-2836 points  (1405  slabs)
No of slabsRate per SlabPercentage of DR  payableDR payable on Basic Pension (Before commutation)
14050.15210.75%Basic Pension× 210.75 %
  • Retired on or after 1.11.2002 and up to 31.10.2007 Average index 8456-2288 (1542 slabs)
No of slabsRate per SlabPercentage of DR  payableDR on Basic Pension  (Before commutation)                                     
15420.18277.56%  Basic Pension × 277.56 %

Retired between 1.1.86 to 31.10.1992/30.6.93

upto 1250  @ 0.67%/slab=  1357.42%

1251 to2000 @ 0.55%  =  1114.30%

2001 t0 2130@ 0.33% = 668.58%

>2130 @0.17%  = 344.42%

Retired between 1.11.92  to 31.03.98

upto 2400 @ 0.35%= 661.15%

2401 -3850 @0.29% =547.81

3851-4100 @0.17% =321.13%

above 4100 @ 0.09%= 170.01%

Retired between 1.4.98 to 31.10.2002

up to 3550 @0.24% = 421.20%

3551 -5650 @0.20% = 351.00%

5651-6010 @0.12% = 210.60%

above  6010 @ 0.06%= 105.30%


Surendra Naik

Published by
Surendra Naik

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