Categories: Bank Staff

Bankers wage revision: Decisions at Core committee (workmen) meeting with IBA on 28.11.2019

The Core Committee (Workmen) of Unions held a meeting with IBA at Mumbai on 28.11.2019 and discussed the following matters.

  1. Consumer Price Index:  The representatives of the Core Committee discussed Adoption of New Series of Consumer Price Index for calculation of D. A. The matter of new DA formula will be discussed and decided   during the next Main Negotiating Committee Meeting.
  2.  Accumulation of PL up to 300 days for retirement benefits:   The committee discussed about accumulation PL up to 300 days & it’s encashment on retirement.  It is decided to deliberate the matter in the main negotiation committee meeting with IBA.
  3.  Maternity leave for adoption of a child:  Maternity Leave for the adoption of Child up to 1 year agreed with certain conditions.
  4. Sabbatical Leave to all employees:  The committee demanded Sabbatical Leave to all employees.  IBA did not commit on the subject telling that the “matter is left to individual banks”.
  5. LFC: The committee demanded for improvement in distance permitted to Sub Staff, permission to travel by car at par with provision for officers, and permission for a package tour. IBA agrees to consider the first two points and rejected the request for a package tour.
  6. RBI guidelines on “Outsourcing”: The committee insisted for removal of existing clause “as per RBI guidelines to be done for non-core activities” in respect of outsourcing. It is agreed to remove the words “as per RBI guidelines”.
  7. Overtime:   For simplified & improved method note submitted by the Unions, IBA agreed to discuss the matter with the main committee level.
  8.  Punishment for gross misconduct: It is agreed to consider removal of clause “FINE” for gross misconduct, as punishment.
  9. Guidelines on Ex-Servicemen: It is agreed only to follow uniformly the guidelines issued by the “Department of Financial Services” of the Government of India.
  10. Gap between business hours and working hours: Unions wanted time gap between Business hours and Working hours should be 2 hours instead of present 1 hour. This demand was rejected outright by the IBA.

It is clarified by IBA that whatever is accepted in this meeting is subject to final approval at their meeting with main Committee level. The next round of negotiations for 11th Bi-Partite Settlement between IBA and Workmen Unions/Officers’ Associations will be held on 03.12.2019 at 11.00 a.m. in the Committee Room of IBA, World Trade Centre, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai-400005.

Surendra Naik

Published by
Surendra Naik

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