Overview: Forward Contract and Forward Rate Agreement (FRA)

The names “Forward Contract” and “Forward Rate Agreement” (FRA) may sound similar, but they play distinct roles in financial markets, differing in key characteristics and functions. Let’s explore the main differences between these financial instruments. Elements Forward Contract Forward Rate Agreement (FRA) Parties in the Contract Forward contracts are agreements between two parties — buyers…

Who are the Users of Derivatives?

Derivatives are financial instruments whose value is derived from an underlying asset or a group of assets. These assets range from stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies, interest rates, or market indices. The derivatives market is a financial marketplace where derivative contracts are bought and sold. Major Users of Derivatives Financial derivatives are used for several purposes,…

What is derivative?

In a layman’s language, derivative means profit or loss derived from something. The most common derivative instruments used in financial markets are the forward contract, options, forward rate agreement, futures contract, interest rate swaps etc.  The characteristic and value of these derivative instruments are derived from underlying assets like currencies, Interest rates, stocks indices, precious…

Characteristics & Functions of Derivatives

Derivatives are financial contracts that derive their value from an underlying asset. These contracts play a significant role in the financial markets and exhibit several key characteristics and functions. Characteristics of Derivatives Hedging Hedging involves purchasing one asset to reduce the risk of loss associated with another asset. In finance, this risk management technique focuses…

What is forfaiting?

The term forfaiting refers to a form of trade finance involving discounting of export bills receivables such as drafts drawn under LC, bills of exchange, promissory notes, or other instruments on without recourse basis. The export of capital goods involves account receivables of medium and long term maturities. It is a general practice that the…