What is Fair Value Accounting Practice?

Fair value accounting is the measurement of assets and liabilities of a business based on the estimation of current market values. It means the assets can be sold or a liability settled in an orderly transaction to a third party under current market conditions. Therefore this method of accounting is also known as ‘mark-to-market accounting…

Explained: Ethics of Information Security

Ethics of Information Security has both a legal and ethical concept. The ethics of information systems, also known as information ethics or cyberethics, is a branch of ethics that examines the ethical implications of information. It considers the moral aspects of information as a resource, product, or target. On the other hand, IS security or…

Changing Dynamics:    Ethics and Technology

Ethics and technology are dynamic and ever-changing, and the relationship between the two is complex. Technology ethics is the study of the moral implications and considerations of technology, from its development to its use. It involves analyzing the ethical dilemmas that arise from the application of technology in various fields. Therefore, ethics is the dynamic,…

Banking Ethics in Global and Indian Contexts

Globally Banking ethics rely on rules and standards that govern the conduct of a bank and its employees, and the impact of the bank’s actions on society and the environment. Banks are running on strong foundations of following four ethical principles which help them to deal with ethical issues. Principles of Trust: The Principles of…

What is Ethics?

The word “ethics” is derived from the Greek word ethos (character), and the Latin word mores (customs). In the legal context, ethics defines how individuals choose to interact with one another. According to Aristotle Ethics is the study of character, habits, and virtues that can be acquired through practice that enables us to lead a…


Principles of Trust: The Principles of trust are Integrity, security, availability, confidentiality, and privacy. It inspires customers, investors, regulators, and lenders to feel confident about bankers, banking products, and banking organisations. Principle of neutrality: Not to differentiate between employees (internal customers) and customers. No bias in behaviour. Principles of reliability: The reliability principle in banking…

What are Cyber Threats of different types?

A cyber threat or cyber-security threat is a malicious act that generally hunts for damaging data, steals data or disrupts digital life. The perpetrators of these attacks are organized crime groups, terrorists, industrial spies, unhappy insiders, business competitors, hackers, and Nation-states* (*where a Government trying to learn other countries’ national secrets and critical infrastructure like…

Understanding Patents and Intellectual Property Rights

An Intellectual property right is the right of a person or company to use their inventions, or ideas through patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets without the worry of competition at least for a specified period. The invention may be the inventor’s creativity, concepts, architectural designs, industrial models, songs, literature, symbols, names, brands, etc. The…