The Reserve Bank of India, on Thursday (June 20, 2019), communicated that the electronic trading platform for buying/selling foreign exchange (FX-Retail) by retail customers (individuals, MSMEs) of banks is ready for rollout. The FX-Retail platform can be accessed by retail customers of a bank (through the website, who has a need to purchase or sell US dollar against the rupee for delivery on cash basis (same day), tom basis (next day), or spot basis (two days after date of transaction). According to the communication, the customer registration process on the platform shall commence on July 01, 2019 and the platform shall be available for transactions from August 05, 2019. Regarding the operation of the platform, including the process of customer registration, being issued by the Clearing Corporation of India Limited (CCIL) on their website (
Fx retail platform available to users subject to;
During 2017, RBI had proposed a foreign exchange trading portal for retail participants with an idea that would provide customers access to an online electronic trading platform on which they can purchase or sell foreign currency at market – clearing prices. FX-Retail platform would therefore promote completion among market makers which would lead to better pricing for all customers regardless of order size. At present buyers of small lots of currency pay 1% to 3% more depending upon from whom they buy it. So price conscious customers may move to online platform from unorganized forex market.
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