In view of separate Module (Module E) on “ETHICS IN BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS” has been added in JAIIB paper “Principles & Practices of Banking”, the following post is prepared to enable the candidates to have a glimpse various topics such as Ethics and ethical theories, Code of Ethics Manual, Business ethics and Banking, Ethics at the Individual Level, Fair Value Accounting Practice, Conflict of interest arises, Work Ethics and the Workplace Ethics, Employees as ethics ambassadors, Manager as ethical leader, Unethical Behavior: Causes and Remedies, Whistle-Blower and Whistle-blowing law in India, Whistle-blowing in Banks, Data Security and Privacy, Intellectual Property Rights, Digital rights management (DRM), Cyber Threats of different types are covered as separate articles.
Accounting is a multifaceted discipline. It caters to the diverse informational needs of stakeholders within…
As the name says ‘computerised accounting’ is the use of computers, software, and hardware to…
The Supreme Court today overruled a 2008 decision by the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission…
The Bank’s financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, on the accrual basis…
The term "accounting treatment" represents the prescribed manner or method in which an accountant records…
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) is the primary global standard setter for the…