Difference between the sectors: Primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sectors

The primary, secondary, tertiary, quaternary, and quinary sectors represent various business types and the goods they procure and sell in an economic setup. They differ in the following ways:The primary sector comprises the basic industries for providing basic materials to other industries. This sector encompasses the extraction of raw materials from the environment, such as…

Jurisdictions, complaints, appeals and punishments under Consumer Protection Acts

Consumer Protection Division, under the Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food & Public Distribution is mandated to implement the Consumer Protection Act, 2019, and Rules/Regulations made under the ibid Act. It is entrusted with the framing of policy related to the protection of the interests of the consumers particularly those grievances arising in the post-sale of goods and services. Jurisdictions: The…

Objectives of Economic Planning

Economic planning is the procedure through which a State makes or influences key economic decisions.  The Indian government has come up with various objectives such as utilizing the country’s human resources by increasing employment level, economic development, self-sufficiency, and social justice, in its economic planning. Economic Development and self-sufficiency are the major objectives of Indian…