What is the meaning of computerized accounting?

As the name says ‘computerised accounting’ is the use of computers, software, and hardware to process financial transactions and events and produce accounting reports:   A computerized accounting system (CAS) automates financial records and reporting processes of financial transactions and events and produce reports based on user requirements. The process of financial transactions done through…

Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements of Banks

The Bank’s financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention, on the accrual basis of accounting on a going concern basis, unless otherwise stated, and conform in all material aspects to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in India, which comprise applicable statutory provisions, regulatory norms/guidelines prescribed by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), Banking…

Accounting Treatment of Specific Items under accounting policies of banks

The term “accounting treatment” represents the prescribed manner or method in which an accountant records and presents a specific business transaction or event in the establishment’s financial statements. The accounting policies of Banks require banks to disclose the key areas of operations in one place (under Schedule 17) along with notes to accounts in their…

Disclosure Requirements of Banks to Notes to Accounts,

Financial statement disclosures are non-financial information that appears at the end of a financial statement. This information helps investors, lenders, and others make decisions. The Basel Framework’s Pillar 3 outlines a set of public disclosure requirements for internationally active banks. These requirements provide market participants with information to assess a bank’s capital adequacy and material…

Explained: Requirements of Banking Companies as to Accounts and Audit

Correct and accurate compilation of financial information and its disclosure, in a manner that is standardized and understood by stakeholders, is central to the credibility of the corporates including banks. The preparation of financial information and its audit is regulated by the banking regulator in India (RBI) with stringent penalties for non-observance. Accounting Standards serve…