Insurance Business Globally and in India

The Insurance sector comprises two primary segments – Life and General Insurance. Life insurance includes whole life insurance, Term life insurance, Child Plans, Annuities life policies, and Endowment policies, etc. General insurance includes motor insurance, property insurance, and health insurance; crop insurance liability insurance, travel insurance, marine insurance, cargo insurance, etc. For details of these…

No changes in Interest rate for small savings instruments for July-September 2024

The government, on Friday, announced the interest rates for small savings schemes applicable for the quarterJuly-September 2024. It means the interest rates remain unchanged from those notified for the first quarter March-June 2024. The interest rates applicable to various instruments of Small Savings are as follows. Scheme Interest rate for  July-Sept. 2024 Interest rate  for…

Health Insurance claim: These 20 things Health Policyholders need to know

Updated and reposted on 14.06.2024 The master circular on Health Insurance products repeals 55 circulars issued earlier and is a significant stride towards reinforcing the empowerment of policyholders and bolstering inclusive health insurance, Irdai said in a statement. IRDAI has issued several new guidelines in 2024, making health insurance more inclusive for all. Important guidelines…

Meaning of Net Asset Value (NAV) – Expenses Ratio – Load/No-Load Funds in mutual funds

Mutual funds are popular among large sections of retail investors because they offer investors the opportunity to diversify and therefore spread out their risk over several investments. Mutual funds are managed by full-time, professional fund managers who have the expertise, experience, and resources to actively buy, sell, and manage investments. But when we visit any…