A Manager as an ethical leader requires demonstrating character, morals, and virtue in his work, focusing on the needs and rights of employees working under him. The basic responsibility and obligation of a manager is treating everyone to the same standard and make them understand what the management expects from them. As an ethical leader, the manager should not use his followers as a medium to achieve his personal goals rather he ought to place his follower’s interests ahead of his interests. He as a humane has a duty of listening to them liberally including opposing viewpoints, respect their feelings, decision and values. The manger as an ethical leader must treat his teammates equally and there should be no personal bias among the workforce under his/her control.
The manager as an ethical leader shall be a role-model to the team working with him. He/she must be honest and straightforward with everyone including clients and vendors, not just employees. The persons dealing with him or working under him do not respect him if he does not demonstrate ethical behaviour and avoids responsibility or lies in his own job. There is a possibility that the employees working under him may also exhibit the same unethical behaviours as the manager.
The ethical leadership makes sure that the organization is a place where staff feels safe and trusted, can grow personally, build friendships and contribute to the objectives of the organization.
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