Categories: Loans and advances

How to submit PMEGP loan application online?

Online submission of applications for loans under PMEGP is mandatory and no manual applications are allowed w.e.f. 01.05.2016.

Individual loan applicants may submit PMEGP loan application to Khadi & Village Industries Commission under PMEGP scheme at following URL.

The non-individual entities such as Self Help Groups (registration of the SHGs not compulsory), Trust, Under Companies Act, Regd. Institutions, Co-operative Societies may apply for PMEGP loan online at the following link

Before starting to enter the details and submission of the application you need to keep the following details ready.

  1. You have to enter your name exactly as it appears in the Aadhaar Card with the prefix  (shri/Smt/Kumari/Ms.).  In case of any mismatch in the name entered, the applicant will not be able to fill the form further. You will be prompted to validate the same by entering 12 digits Aadhar number of the applicant.
  2. You have to decide to which sponsoring agency you would like to submit the application. Enter the name of the sponsoring agency like KVIC, KVIB, or DIC followed with your state and district.
  3. You need to fill up your date of birth in the format of (DD-MM-YYYY) e.g. 08-11-1989
  4. You should be aged 18 years or above. As soon as date of birth is    entered the age will calculate dynamically.
  5. Next you have to identify to which Social Category you belong to from the list (i.e. General, Other Backward Caste, Scheduled Caste, Scheduled Tribe, Minority).
  6. If you belong to Special Category i.e. Ex-serviceman, Physically Challenged, Hill Border Area, North East Area, you need to enter the same.
  7. Your communication address entered in the address column should be with full detail. You need to provide your mobile number, e-mail address, PAN numbers. The nodal officer would contact you through the details provided by you.
  8. In the unit location column, you have to mention your proposed unit location is in Rural or Urban.
  9. You are required to enter the proposed unit address. Here you may enter your communication address as proposed unit address)
  10. You have to submit the total cost of Project cost: i.e. capital expenditure in Rupees and working capital in Rupees. With this detail, total loan will be calculated by the system automatically.
  11. Another important point to decide by you is the name of the bank and branch from whom you wish to take the loan (preferably nearer to your proposed business place). Enter IFSC    code of the bank/branch from which you wish to take the loan (ii) if IFSC code is not known then click on GET IFSC CODE button and select correct IFSC Code of    Financing Bank.
  12. If you have still not decided to take the loan from which bank, there is a provision to give the option of giving the name of another bank (not compulsory).  Enter optional (another) Bank’s IFSC code.
  13. If you have already undergone EDP training, you need to enter it in the online application.
    After entering all necessary information in the appropriate field Click On “Save Applicant Data” button to Save the Details.
  14. After “Save Applicant Data”, you need to Upload documents for final submission of application. After Final Submission of application, Applicant ID and password will be sent to your registered Mobile No.

As per District Level Taskforce committee (DLTFC) procedure, it is expected that within 48 hours or two working days of receipt of application, the nodal officer of KVIC, State KVIB and DIC will interact with you (applicant) personally on telephone or personal meeting and confirm the receipt/ acceptance of the application for preliminary scrutiny. The nodal officer will do all the required correction in the application in consultation/cross checking with you and also provide hand holding to you at every stage. They will appraise the applications on same methodology as followed by Banks for approval of loan. The DLTFC Committee will consider each application and make its recommendation on-line. The decision of the DLTFC will be conveyed on-line to the District Implementing Agencies (KVIC/KVIB/DIC) within 3 working days of the meeting electronically. The concerned Agency will within 48 hours of the receipt of decision of DLTFC forward the recommended application to the concerned Banks. This entire process has to be completed within 45 days of receipt of application on line. There shall preferably be no interviews by the DLTFC, however, if considered necessary DLTFC may call the applicant for personal interaction/interview. If the DLTFC does not clear within 45 days, the Banks can appraise the projects on their own. In case of rejection, the reasons for rejection should be clearly conveyed to the applicant.

Applications which do not conform to the scheme guidelines or which remain incomplete or irrelevant even-after consultation with the applicant will be rejected by the concerned Nodal Officer, recording reasons for rejection. Applicant can file grievance against such rejection to the State Director, KVIC.

To know more click below

  1. PMEGP frequently asked questions

       2. Bank finance under PMEGP scheme

Surendra Naik

Published by
Surendra Naik

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