Classification of priority sector advances: Overdraft in PMJDY accounts

The overdraft extended by banks up to Rupees Five thousand in Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana (PMJDY) accounts will be eligible for classification under priority sector advances. RBI circular dated 25.02.2015 notifies that  the overdraft under PMJDY can be classified as priority sector advances (‘others’ category) as also weaker sections, provided the borrowers household annual income…

News on wage revision

Confirmed news on wage revision   In today’s talks between IBA and UFBU, wage revision is settled at 15%(Rs. 4725 crores) w.e.f 1.11.2012. 2nd and 4th Saturday’s will be holidays and other Saturday’s will be full working days. Strike deferred.  Detailed circular from UFBU follows.

Who are the parties in a letter of Credit?

(Generally, there are eight parties involved in letter of credit transactions, out of which four principal parties involved in any transaction. This article briefs about four principal parties and other four ordinarily involved in letters of credit transactions). Definition of Letter of Credit: Letter of credit (LC) is an undertaking letter issued by the importer’s…

What is Standby Letter of Credit?

A Standby LC is a form of irrevocable guarantee for   a payment. Since American Banks are prevented from giving the guarantee in that country, the concept of ‘Standby LC’ came into existence. Standby Letter of Credit is an agreement wherein the buyer’s bank promises full payment of goods/services sold by him if the buyer fails to…