Evolution of FEMA

The government of India enacted the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 (FERA) to tackle the foreign exchange crisis in the country. The purpose of FERA was to regulate foreign exchange dealings and other related activities to conserve the country’s foreign exchange reserves. The stringent FERA rules were not amenable to integrating the Indian economy into…

Cash and its Custody in Banks

In the prevailing law and order situation and other subversive activities carried out by antisocial/extremist organizations in the country mainly targeting the banks, cash, and its custody need stringent security arrangements both for the safety of cash within the Bank and in cash management logistics. We have covered the topic ‘SECURITY ARRANGEMENTS IN BANKS AND…

LFAR and Statutory Audit in Banks

What is a Long Form Audit Report (LFAR)? : LFAR (Long Form Audit Report) must be issued by Statutory Auditors apart from the standard audit report that is required as per regulatory requirements. LFAR serves as a vital tool for auditors and their team members, the audit process providing detailed insights into the bank’s operations,…