Raising Trade Credits for imports in India

Trade Credits (TC) denote the credits extended by the overseas supplier, bank, financial institution and other permitted recognised lenders for maturity, for imports of capital/non-capital goods permissible under the Foreign Trade Policy of the Government of India. Depending on the source of finance, such TCs include suppliers’ credit and buyers’ credit from recognised lenders. The…

Interconnectedness of money market

One of the important components of the international financial markets is the money market. Money Market is concerned with the issue and trading of securities with short-term maturities or quasi-money instruments. The Instruments traded in the money market are Treasury Bills, Certificates of Deposits (CDs), Commercial Paper (CPs), Bills of Exchange, and other such instruments…

What is KYC norms?

Updated as per RBI amended Master Direction dated June 04, 2024 KYC stands for “Know Your Customer”. It’s a process to prevent banks and other financial institutions from being used as a channel for Money Laundering (ML)/ Terrorist Financing (TF) and to ensure the integrity and stability of the financial system, efforts are continuously being…