Know the fundmentals of Foreign exchange and terminologies used in dealings

 [This post contains fundamental aspects of foreign exchange; and forex markets;  as well as over 100  terminologies used in  forex dealings such as direct and indirect Quote; buying rate, selling rate, forward exchange rate, swap rate, spot rate, cross rate, transaction date, value date, Spread, premium, discount, points, arbitrage, Interest arbitrage, Interest parity, future, hedging,…

RBI revises norms for issuance of commercial Papers(CP) and Non-Convertible Debentures (NCD)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in its Notification No.FMRD.DIRD.10/14.02.001/2023-24 dated January 03, 2024, introduced certain changes in the Master Direction norms relating to Commercial Paper and Non-Convertible Debentures of original or initial maturity up to one year. The new direction is effective from April 1, 2024. Commercial Paper (CP) is an unsecured money market…

What are other current liabilities?

( This post explains,  the difference between other current liabilities and the current liabilities  for the purpose of working capital appraisal and items like contingent liabilities, netting of current liabilities and current assets.) The current liabilities are those dues, to be settled within 12 months from reporting date, including overdraft and loan installments payable within 12…

What is a Capital Market?

Capital market is a market for long-term debt and equity shares. The Debt Market is the market where fixed-income securities of various types and features are issued and traded. Debt Markets are, therefore, markets for fixed-income securities issued by the Central and State Governments, Municipal Corporations, banks, and financial institutions. A share may be bought…

Revised guidelines on Inoperative Accounts /Unclaimed Deposits in Banks

The Reserve Bank of India on Monday issued revised instructions on Inoperative Accounts /Unclaimed Deposits in Banks. According to the revised guidelines, a savings/ current account shall be treated as inoperative, if for over two years there are no ‘customer-induced transactions’ in that account. Customer induced transactions are; (a) Financial transactions like debit/credit transactions in…