RBI forms external working group for provisioning of banks on Expected Credit Loss (ECL)

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on Wednesday constituted a nine-member external working group to get independent views on Expected Credit Loss (ECL) based framework for provisioning by banks. The ECL approach to provisioning is a paradigm shift from the current incurred loss-based provisioning regime. The Discussion Paper released by RBI on January 16, 2023,…

RBI tells banks to give choice to borrowers either to opt for fixed or floating interest rates basis at the time of resetting the loan

RBI on Thursday advised all the regulated entities (Res) like banks and NBFCs (REs) that at the time of sanction, they shall clearly communicate to the borrowers about the possible impact of change in the benchmark interest rate on the loan leading to changes in EMI and/or tenor or both. Successively, any increase in the…