What are three pillars of Basel II?

Three Pillars of Basel II accord:  First Pillar of Basel II deals with maintenance of regulatory Capital calculated on three major risks the bankers are facing viz. Credit risk, Operation risk and Market risk. Second Pillar of Basel II deals with the regulatory answer to the first pillar, which enables the banks to review their…

What are accounting errors?

Types of accounting errors include  ‘Error of principle’,’ Error of Omission in accounting’, ‘Error of commission’,  ‘Compensating Error’,  ‘Error of original entry’,  ‘Complete reversal of entries’. Error of principle in accounting: When correct amount is posted to wrong type of account, such error is called error of principle. Suppose machinery installation charges is debited to…

What is Tier 2 capital?

The Capital of a bank is divided into different tiers according to the characteristics / qualities of each qualifying instrument. The Basel III framework tightens the capital requirements by limiting the type of capital into two categories viz. Tier I and Tier II for supervisory purposes of capital. The Tier II or Tier 2 capital…