RBI launches PRAVAAH portal, the Retail Direct Mobile App and a FinTech Repository

On Tuesday, RBI Governor Shri Shaktikanta Das, launched the PRAVAAH portal, the Retail Direct Mobile App, and a FinTech Repository. These three initiatives were earlier announced as part of RBI’s bi-monthly Statement on Development and Regulatory Policies in April 2023, April 2024, and December 2023 respectively. PRAVAAH is a secure and centralised web-based portal. The…

Explained: Regional Economic cooperation

Regional Economic cooperation refers to an agreement between groups of countries in a geographic region, to promote economic cooperation by reducing trade barriers and non-tariff barriers to the free flow of goods, services, and factors of production between each other. The objective of regional economic cooperation is to promote the welfare of the peoples of…

Hicks-Hansen Synthesis: IS-LM Curve Model

From various theories like classical theory, loanable-fund theory, neo-classical theory of Pigou, and determining the rate of interest put forward from time to time, we have seen that all these theories suffer from various drawbacks and are indeterminate.  The Keynesian theory considered only the monetary factors and the classical theory only the real factors as…

The classical theory of the rate of interest

Economists like Ricardo, J. S. Mill, Marshall, and Pigou developed the classical theory of interest which is also known as the capital theory of interest, the saving-investment theory of interest, or the real theory of interest. In the classical theory, the equilibrium rate of interest is the one that equals the supply of loanable funds…

Impact of Inflation on the Economy

In an inflationary atmosphere, unevenly rising prices inescapably reduce the purchasing power of some consumers, which can lead to erosion of real income. Some people, who purely live on interest income such as retirees, may find it challenging to keep up with rising prices, potentially diminishing their purchasing power. When prices rise, each unit of…