What is Risk-Return Trade-Off?

The risk-return trade-off is an essential investment principle that states that higher risk often comes with the potential for higher rewards. This concept asserts that the potential return on an investment rises with an increase in risk. By this principle, investments with low levels of uncertainty typically offer lower returns, while those with high uncertainty…

What are equity shares?

Equity shares are also known as Ordinary Shares. The money invested in the equity shares of a company is a part of the capital of the company. When an investor buys a company’s share or equity, he gains partial ownership rights of that company. The amount so invested on the equity shares of a company…

RRBs are allowed to issue PDI

The Reserve Bank of India vide. Circular No. DOR.RRB.No.21/31.01.001/2019-20 dated November 1, 2019, permitted RRBs (Regional Rural Banks) to issue Perpetual Debt Instruments (PDI) eligible for inclusion as Tier 1 capital so as to maintain prescribed CRAR. The Perpetual Debt Instruments (PDI) is issued by way of bonds or debentures in Indian Rupees only. The…

What is Basis Point Value?

In the financial market many investors prefer for investments in bond portfolio which can provide them the decent yields with a lower level of volatility than equities.  Further, the bonds issued by corporates   offer with a higher income than the money market funds or bank instruments. However, the volatility in interest rate in the financial…