What is NDS-OM Web

NDS-OM Web Module is only an electronic front end for accessing the main NDS-OM system. It is a screen based electronic anonymous order matching system for secondary market trading in Government securities. Earlier, Gilt Account Holders (GAH) who have gilt account with the PMs were permitted to have indirect access to the NDS-OM system i.e…

What is Basis Point Value?

In the financial market many investors prefer for investments in bond portfolio which can provide them the decent yields with a lower level of volatility than equities.  Further, the bonds issued by corporates   offer with a higher income than the money market funds or bank instruments. However, the volatility in interest rate in the financial…

What is a Foreign Currency Convertible Bond?

A foreign currency convertible bond (FCCB) is a special kind of convertible bond issued in a currency different than the issuer’s domestic currency. Multinational companies and governments routinely issue bonds denominated in various currencies to benefit from lower borrowing costs, and also match their currency inflows and outflows. FCCB gives investors an opportunity to convert…

Who are Gilt Account Holders (GAHs)?

‘Gilts’ is the short form for gilt-edged securities- so called because they carry no risk. Gilt Account Holder (GAH)/Constituent means an entity or a person including ‘a person resident outside India’ maintaining a “Gilt Account” with a Custodian.[“Custodian” is a primary member (PM) permitted by the Reserve Bank of India to open and maintain Constituent…