What are the Clean Bills, Documentary Bills, Demand Bills, Usance Bills and Accommodation Bills?

The word ‘bills’ is the acronym to ‘bills of exchange’.  There are different kinds of bills of exchange viz.  Clean Bills, Documentary bill, Demand bills, Usance Bills, Accommodation Bills etc. Clean Bill: When the document of title to goods (like LR/RR/BL/Airway bill etc.) is not accompanied by a bill of exchange, it is called as a clean…

Difference between purchase, discount and negotiation of export bills

The terms ‘bills purchase’,’ bills discount’, and ‘bills negotiation’ are respectively used by the bank for financing against ‘Demand Bills’,’Usance Bills’, and LC bills. The seller of goods (exporter) gets immediate money from the bank for the goods sold by him irrespective of whether it is a purchase, discount, or negotiation by the bank according…