How banks measure credit risk?

Credit risk measurement: Credit risk arises when a bank borrower or counter- party fails to meet his obligations according to specified schedule in terms of predetermined agreement either due to genuine problems or willful default. Banks are using two broad methodologies for computing their capital requirements for credit risk as per Basel II guidelines. First…

What is capital adequacy framework?

Adequate capital is required by banks to absorb any losses that arise during the normal course of the bank’s operations. Each Capital contribution/Equity contribution is a contribution of capital, in the form of money or property, to a business by an owner, partner, or shareholder.  The capital adequacy frame work in banking business emphasizes adequate…

What is capital account convertibility (CAC)?

Capital Account Convertibility means that the currency of a country can be converted into foreign exchange without any controls or restrictions. The Report of the Tarapore Committee on Capital Account Convertibility (1997) provided the following working definition of CAC: “freedom to convert local financial assets into foreign financial assets and vice versa at market determined…