What is Account Aggregator system in banking?

The Account Aggregator (AA) system is a financial data exchange where banks, fintech, or NBFCs can exchange customer data after taking consent from such users. The entities which facilitate the data exchange are known as account aggregators. Under the account aggregator system, a lender who requests the data is called financial information user (FIU), and…

RBI liberalises with several measures to improve the forex in-flow

RBI today announced several measures in order to enhance forex inflows to the country while ensuring overall macroeconomic and financial stability. “The global outlook is clouded by recession risks. Consequently, high-risk aversion has gripped financial markets, producing surges of volatility, sell-offs of risk assets, and large spillovers, including flights to safety and safe-haven demand for…

The latest rise in corporate credit amplified the demand for priority sector lending certificates (PSLC)

The jump in lending to corporate borrowers has driven up demand for priority-sector lending certificates (PSLC), forcing banks to pay a higher premium to meet regulatory lending targets. The total Priority Sector lending of a domestic commercial bank should be 40 per cent (target for foreign banks 32%) of Adjusted Net Bank Credit or Credit…