Structural Change in Indian Economy

The term “structural change” refers to the major changes in the relative importance of the main sectors of an economy (agriculture, industry, services, and so on) in the course of economic growth. Structural change has often been defined as a process by which the transfer of economic benefits is evidenced in terms of major changes…

Basic Characteristics of Indian Economy

Low per capita real income, high rate of population growth, the cycle of poverty, an agro-based economy, income disparities, slow capital formation, poor infrastructural development, an imperfect market, Lack of skilled manpower, outdated technology, corruption, and a backward society are the basic characteristics of the Indian economy. Per Capita income: India is universally known as…

Evolution of Indian economy

Agriculture was the chief source of livelihood for most people in India, before the advent of British rule.  India was also a hub of various kinds of manufacturing activities, particularly well known for its handicraft industries in the fields of cotton and silk textiles metal and precious stone works, etc. Indian products had a worldwide…

Meaning of Net Asset Value (NAV) – Expenses Ratio – Load/No-Load Funds in mutual funds

Mutual funds are popular among large sections of retail investors because they offer investors the opportunity to diversify and therefore spread out their risk over several investments. Mutual funds are managed by full-time, professional fund managers who have the expertise, experience, and resources to actively buy, sell, and manage investments. But when we visit any…

Bharat Bill Payment System (BBPS): RBI direction 2024

In Supersession of earlier BBPS-related guidelines/circulars,  RBI on Friday (March 1, 2024) issued the new Directions hereinafter specified. These Directions shall be applicable from April 01, 2024. The provisions of the new Directions shall apply to NPCI Bharat Bill Pay Limited (NBBL) a wholly owned subsidiary of the National Payments Corporation of India); and All…