Revision of position (long or short) for all currencies in Exchange Traded Currency Derivatives (ETCD) Market

Hitherto, the persons resident in India and Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) are allowed to take a long (bought) or short (sold) position in USD-INR upto USD 15 million per exchange without having to establish existence of underlying exposure. In addition, residents & FPIs are allowed to take long or short positions in EUR-INR, GBP-INR and…

What is derivative?

In a layman’s language, derivative means profit or loss derived from something. The most common derivative instruments used in financial markets are the forward contract, options, forward rate agreement, futures contract, interest rate swaps etc.  The characteristic and value of these derivative instruments are derived from underlying assets like currencies, Interest rates, stocks indices, precious…

What are depository receipts –ADR, GDR and IDR?

A depository receipt or depositary receipt (DR) is a negotiable financial instrument that represents a foreign company’s (issuing company which is incorporated outside India) publicly traded debt or equity in domestic exchanges. The depository receipts (DRs) which are created by a Domestic Depository bank against the underlying equity shares of the issuing company are termed…

What is forfaiting?

The term forfaiting refers to a form of trade finance involving discounting of export bills receivables such as drafts drawn under LC, bills of exchange, promissory notes, or other instruments on without recourse basis. The export of capital goods involves account receivables of medium and long term maturities. It is a general practice that the…