Why bank officers are going on indefinite strike?

All India Bank Officers’ Confederation (AIBOC), All India Bank Officers’ Association (AIBOA), Indian National Bank Officers’ Congress (INBOC), National Organisation of Bank Officers (NOBO) has jointly served the strike notice to IBA on September 12, 2019. The strike notice covers the following; The two days strike on 26th September and 27 September is to protest…

Manager as ethical leader

A Manager as an ethical leader requires demonstrating character, morals, and virtue in his work, focusing on the needs and rights of employees working under him. The basic responsibility and obligation of a manager is treating everyone to the same standard and make them understand what the management expects from them. As an ethical leader,…

11th bipartite negotiating committee meeting to be held on 17th Sept.

UFBU constituents workmen Unions/Officers’ Associationsise invited by IBA for the next bipartite negotiating committee meeting on Tuesday 17th September 2019 at 10.30 am. In a letter dated 13.09.2019 addressed to Shri.Sanjeev K Bandish convenor UFBU, S.K. Kakkar, Senior advisor of IBA invited the representatives of constituents workmen Unions/Officers’ Associations on Tuesday 17th September 2019 at…

Employees as ethics ambassadors

The employees who assist senior management in promoting ethical policies, code of conduct, and related policies within the organization are referred to as ‘Ethics Ambassadors’. These ambassadors are appointed full-time or may be taken on in addition to an employee’s day-to-day job. The ethics ambassadors have an important role to play in nurturing awareness and…

Meaning of Work Ethics and the Workplace Ethics

Work ethic is a set of values an employee uses in his/her job based on the ideals of discipline and hard work. Work ethic encompasses moral principles like integrity, a sense of responsibility, inherent ability, teamwork, and cooperation. This involves a person’s attitude, behavior, respect, communication, and interaction and how he/she gets along with others.…

How Conflict of interest arises?

A conflict of interest arises when a person chooses personal gain over his duties to the employer or exploits his position for personal gain in some way. In banks, as a general rule, people of top management or Managers or employees should avoid conducting bank’s business with a relative or any other person or any…

Ethics at the Individual Level and golden rules

[This post elucidates Values, Norms, Beliefs, Morality, Conflict, Integrity, Golden Rule, Dilemmas, and Decision-Making] Ethics is a set of moral principles that guide a person’s behaviour and arrive at moral standards that regulate right and wrong conduct. The ethical principles are expressive about good habits that one should acquire, the duties that one should follow,…