Banks can register a charge on their own if the borrower company fails to register

Yes, lender bank or Financial Institution (FI) can also file application form for registration of charge with the Registrar of Companies. However, it is the responsibility of the company to register the each charge against its assets. If the borrower company fails to file form for registration of charge with ROC, the lender bank or…

Difference between Subsidiary company, Sister concern, Associated company,Joint Venture,Conglomerate and Group of companies

A Subsidiary company can be described as an enterprise, the management of which is controlled by a parent company. The parent company is one which has one or more subsidiaries. In all cases the parent company will hold more than half of the voting power of the subsidiary company and controls financial and operating policy…

Rescheduling or Restructuring of External Commercial Borrowings (ECB)

The Reserve Bank of India has relaxed rules for rescheduling/restructuring of ECBs by permitting an increase in the total cost of borrowing offshore. In suppression of earlier provisions, this year the banking regulator has delegated powers to the designated AD category-I banks to allow changes/modification in the draw-down and repayment schedules notwithstanding the average maturity period or…

New directions to NBFC-Micro Finance Institutions

In the backdrop of Andhra Pradesh -MFI crisis, RBI had made modifications to its earlier directions to NBFC-MFIS to regulate the credit system in the country. Pursuant to being satisfied that the sector has largely moved forward since then, RBI now amended the Non-Systemically Important Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve…

Recovery through award of LOK ADALAT

Recovery through award of Lok Adalat is the easiest and fastest mode of recovery. The literal meaning of Lok Adalat is people’s Court. The concept comes under the ‘Alternative Disputes Redressal Mechanism’ like arbitration, conciliation etc. The pre-litigation up to Rs.20 lacs and suit filed accounts where plaint amount does not exceed Rs.20 lacs can be…

What is bank rate?

Bank rate is actually the rate of interest at which Reserve Bank of India is lending to commercial banks. Reserve Bank of India is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other eligible commercial paper from commercial banks. Bank rate is governed by Section 49 of Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.The effect of…