What is risk management in agriculture?

Banks provide a number of credit facilities to customers engaged in activities related to agriculture. Many a time banks take the brunt when unforeseen disaster strikes the farmers in the form of ‘on-farm loss’ and or ‘off-farm losses.  These types of losses caused mainly due to production risk and price risk. The risk management in…

How to mitigate Counterparty Risks?

The flows of credit from commercial banks are the major and the most noticeable cause of credit risk. Besides loans there is other type of credit risks in banking operations which is called counterparty risk. Loan has default risk; a derivative has counterparty risk. We are discussing here on Counterparty risks. What is the meaning…

Fraud Risk Management in Banks

The increasing incidences of frauds in general and in loan portfolios of banks in particular are the matter of serious concern to all stake holders.  Unfortunately, most often banks even after identifying the frauds, take times to file complaints with CBI / Police on the grounds of cheating, misappropriation of funds, diversion of funds etc.…

What is hedging of Agri-Commodity Price Risk?

The Reserve Bank of India in its press release today (May 28,2015) advised banks to encourage large agricultural borrowers such as agricultural commodity processors, traders, millers, aggregators, etc., to hedge their risks related to agricultural commodity prices. Banks provide a number of credit facilities to customers engaged in activities related to agriculture.  One of the…