RAROC approach for risk evaluation

Banks, across the world, use different techniques to evaluate the probable risks through sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, break-even analysis etc. The most commonly used approach is the Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC). The banking as well as Non-banking financial institution and also large numbers of businesses are utilizing RAROC metric to calculate Return on…

Risks in Foreign Exchange dealings

The business of foreign exchange dealing is confronted with multiple numbers of risks viz. Rate risk, Open Position risk, Maturity Mismatches risk, overtrading risk, Cash Balance Risk, Counterparty risk, Country risk,  Fraud Risk, and so on. Nevertheless, like in any other business, risk taking in forex dealing is also inevitable as it also presents possibilities…

What is economic capital?

There are three types of capital viz. Regulatory capital, Book capital, and Economic capital. Regulatory capital is the amount of capital a bank is required to hold as per the stipulations prescribed by the banking regulator of the country. Book Capital is the actual capital that the bank has, which includes equity capital, loans, and…

What is contingency planning?

The contingency planning is a regular part of risk management for exceptional risk though unlikely, may have disastrous consequences when an unexpected event or situation occurs. In the other words, contingency planning is a process that includes risk assessment and a mitigation strategy for those risks.  It generally refers to a negative situation like direct…