What is bank rate?

Bank rate is actually the rate of interest at which Reserve Bank of India is lending to commercial banks. Reserve Bank of India is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other eligible commercial paper from commercial banks. Bank rate is governed by Section 49 of Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.The effect of…

What is the difference between Garnishee order & I.T. Attachment order

(This article explains how  the garnishee order and IT attachment orders are different and explains the method of disposal by the Bank branches when they receive such orders from the authorities.) Garnishee order & I.T. Attachments are two different types of attachment orders. The Garnishee order is an order issued by the Court to Garnishee…

Definition of Assignment and actionable claim

When the rights, title and interest in debts due or accruing due to a person are transferred to another person, it is called assignment and actionable claim means any claim other than the debt to mortgage of immovable property or hypothecation or pledge of goods and receivables. Transfer of   Life Insurance Policy, National Saving Certificates, Supply bills…