Appraisal: Loan application for construction, alteration, renovation of school building

Term loan application received from educational institutions run by trusts, private management, requires appraisal of the project as well as appraisal of the management. First step of appraisal of project involves verification of whether the institution has the necessary approval from the Government agencies to run the school. Secondly, bank has to verify whether the…

Banks are prohibited from levying foreclosure charges/ pre-payment penalties

Reserve Bank of India on Friday (August 02, 2019) reminded all the commercial banks that they are not permitted to charge foreclosure charges / pre-payment penalties on home loans / all floating rate term loans sanctioned to individual borrowers. The above norm of prohibiting banks charging foreclosure charges/pre-payment penalties on floating rate loan is already…

RBI relaxes end use restrictions on ECB

As per existing External Commercial Borrowings policy norms, ECB proceeds could not be utilized by the borrowers for the following purposes. (i) Working capital purposes, (ii) General corporate purposes, (iii)Repayment of Rupee loans except when the ECB is availed from foreign equity holder for a minimum average maturity period of 5 years.(iv) On-lending for above…

Asset-backed securities (ABS) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) explained

Securitization is the process in which certain types of assets are pooled so that they can be repackaged into interest-bearing securities. The interest and principal payments from the assets are passed through to the purchasers of the securities.Both Asset-backed securities (ABS) and mortgage-backed securities (MBS) are fixed-income financial securities collateralized (backed) by a pool of…