What is factoring?

Factoring is commonly identified as accounts receivable factoring, invoice factoring, and sometimes accounts receivable financing. Factoring service is a service that covers (i).Collection of bills, (ii).discounting of bills (iii).maintenance of accounts books in domestic and international trade. Factoring enables companies to sell their outstanding book debts for cash. They sell invoiced receivables at a discount…

What is forfaiting?

The term forfaiting refers to a form of trade finance involving discounting of export bills receivables such as drafts drawn under LC, bills of exchange, promissory notes, or other instruments on without recourse basis. The export of capital goods involves account receivables of medium and long term maturities. It is a general practice that the…

Why do small and medium enterprises not get adequate bank finance?

Although, commercial banks and other financial institutions have been making steady strides to increase their share of credits to the MSE sector, but they have certain difficulties in sanctioning limits to SME borrowers.  In an environment of NPA numbers in the banking sector alarmingly swelling, banks themselves are under stress and facing challenges to raise…