What is the MUDRA loan?

MUDRA stands acronym for Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency Ltd. It is an institution of Government of India set up for development and refinancing activities relating to non-corporate micro-units. At present MUDRA is set up as a subsidiary of SIDBI, pending statutory enactment by the Government. Traditionally commercial banks and financial institutions in India…

How to submit PMEGP loan application online?

Online submission of applications for loans under PMEGP is mandatory and no manual applications are allowed w.e.f. 01.05.2016. Individual loan applicants may submit PMEGP loan application to Khadi & Village Industries Commission under PMEGP scheme at following URL. https://www.kviconline.gov.in/pmegpeportal/jsp/pmegponline.jsp The non-individual entities such as Self Help Groups (registration of the SHGs not compulsory), Trust, Under…

What are the conditions apply for loan against FCNR/NRE deposits?

Q: Is there any upper limit for loans against security of NRI’s term deposits like FCNR/NRE? Ans.: Except usual margin requirement, no upper ceiling is prescribed for loans to NRIs or third parties in India against security of FCNR/NRE deposits. However, the loan shall be for the purpose other than the investments specified in FEMA…

What is credit monitoring of loans and advances?

Credit monitoring  strategies in a bank taking place in two stages namely pre-sanction stage and post sanction stage of loans and advances.  Pre-sanction process involves identification of borrower, the  purpose of  the loan, quantum of loan, period of loan, source of repayment, security for advance, profitability, pre-sanction unit inspection, appraisal of credit proposal, and sanctioning…