Internal Ombudsman in Banks

The Reserve Bank of India in May 2015 notified all public sector banks and some private sector and foreign banks to appoint an internal ombudsman. The internal ombudsman would be designated Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO). The CCSO should not have worked in the bank in which he/she was appointed as CCSO. The Reserve Bank…

Customer rights policies for better banking

The objective of the Customer rights policies is to document/enshrine the basic rights of the customers of the Bank as per Reserve Bank of India regulations. Customer Rights Policy recognises the intrinsic rights; a customer gets during and after the termination of his/her banking relationship.  This policy is based on the guiding principles enlisted in…

Obligations on Bank customers

The obligations between Banks and their customers are reciprocal. Customer Obligations means all obligations of every nature of Customer from time to time under any Transaction Document, whether for the Aggregate Principal Outstanding, interest, fees, expenses, indemnification, or otherwise. By opening an account in the bank in the name of the customer, there will be…

Bankers’ Rights in India

In our previous article, we understood CUSTOMER RIGHTS POLICIES FOR BETTER BANKING. At the same time, the obligations between Banks and their customers are reciprocal. Commercial Banks in India also enjoy the following six rights; The banks in India have the right to charge interest on the loans and advances sanctioned to customers. Interest is…

Bankers’ Duty of Reasonable Care

A bank’s duty of reasonable care is a legal requirement and banks must exercise reasonable care and skill when transacting and providing other services to customers. The bank has to carry out the instructions of the customer while dealing with the customer’s account. The clear order of the customer for payments should be promptly executed…