What is a multiple banking arrangement?

The multiple banking arrangements are similar to a consortium advance and loan syndication, wherein several lenders finance a single borrower. However, there are many structural and operational differences among them. In multiple banking arrangements, a borrower borrows simultaneously from more than one bank independent of each other. Each lending bank takes separate loan documents and…

Principles of credit management

Credit management in simple words is the process of monitoring and collecting payments from the borrowers. A specialized credit management system eases the amount of capital tied up with debtors. The principles of credit management revolve mainly around the concepts of safety, Liquidity, Diversity, and Profitability. The banks all over the world examine following details…

What are working capital sources and working capital management?

Working capital is the operating capital of a business which is used in its day-to-day operations, calculated as the current assets minus the current liabilities. The positive working capital commonly indicates that a company can pay off its short-term liabilities almost immediately. Sources of working capital are Share Capital, retained profits,  debentures,  long-term loans, and…