Principles of Lending

The principles of lending revolve mainly around the concepts of safety, profitability and liquidity of advance. The criteria for lending get changed or modified from time to time in response to changing the state of the economy. Traditionally commercial banks in India used to provide security oriented finance to trade and industry. Big industrial houses…

Types of Mortgage of immovable properties in India

(This post explains the essence of Mortgage of properties and several forms of mortgage of immovable properties in India viz. Equitable Mortgage, Simple Mortgage, English mortgage,  Mortgage by conditional Sale, Usufructuary Mortgage, and Anomalous Mortgage which are major types of mortgage systems currently existent in India.) The essence of Mortgage of  properties: The transfer of…

How to process credit proposal?

Credit Appraisal is a knack of adapting certain precautions at the time of new sanction or renewal or enhancement of existing limit. Credit Appraisal revolves around the credit investigation to determine the economic and business environment in which prospective borrower is placed. The process involves assessment of honesty and integrity of the borrower, standing of the borrower,…

What is bank rate?

Bank rate is actually the rate of interest at which Reserve Bank of India is lending to commercial banks. Reserve Bank of India is prepared to buy or re-discount bills of exchange or other eligible commercial paper from commercial banks. Bank rate is governed by Section 49 of Reserve Bank of India Act 1934.The effect of…