Interest rate on small savings schemes slashed

In terms  of Government announcement on February 2016, the interest rate on small savings schemes will be notified on quarterly basis  hereafter, instead of earlier system of announcing for every year. Accordingly the Government h,as announced the interest rates for the following small savings schemes (for the quarter April 2016 to June 2016) wich are…

How to identify a wilful defaulter?

[The identification of a ‘wilful defaulter’ is done on the basis of eventual conclusion that the default is intentional, deliberate and calculated. The process of categorizations of  the ‘wilful defaulter’ is required to be done thoughtfully on the basis of track record of the borrower/guarantor and not on the basis of an isolated transaction or incident.…

Udyog Aadhaar replaces old system of MSME/SSI registration

Udyog Aadhaar registration is the new system that replaced the earlier system of SSI registration and EM-I/II. The  gazette notification dated 18.09.2015 brought an end to the legacy of registration of SSI and Entrepreneur Memorandum (EM-I/II) as all other online/ offline systems of registration of MSMEs created and maintained by Central/State/UT Governments cease to register…