Several Changes were made to NPS rules. Now Senior citizens up to 70 years can join the scheme

The Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority (PFRDA) made several changes to NPS including maximum age for entry-exit rules, choice of PF & Asset allocation,   online exit facility, etc. PFRDA vide Circular no.: PFRDA/2021/36/SUP-CRA/14 August 26, 2021, revised the age of entry to NPS from 18-65 to 18-70.  “In response to the large number of…

Banks may use an Alternative reference rate in place of LIBOR for export/import transactions: RBI

RBI today notified AD category banks to use any other widely accepted/Alternative reference rate in the currency concerned for such transactions. “This is in view of the impending cessation of LIBOR as a benchmark rate, it has been decided to permit AD banks to use any other widely accepted/Alternative reference rate in the currency concerned,”…