RAROC approach for risk evaluation

Banks, across the world, use different techniques to evaluate the probable risks through sensitivity analysis, scenario analysis, break-even analysis etc. The most commonly used approach is the Risk Adjusted Return on Capital (RAROC). The banking as well as Non-banking financial institution and also large numbers of businesses are utilizing RAROC metric to calculate Return on…

What is NDS-OM Web

NDS-OM Web Module is only an electronic front end for accessing the main NDS-OM system. It is a screen based electronic anonymous order matching system for secondary market trading in Government securities. Earlier, Gilt Account Holders (GAH) who have gilt account with the PMs were permitted to have indirect access to the NDS-OM system i.e…

Forward Contract explained

A forward contract is a customized contract between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a price agreed upon today on a specified future date. Under forward contract, there is an obligation for the buyer to pay for what has been bought and receive delivery thereof as per the contract, and for the…

Foreign exchange remittance limit available to residents for non-trade current account transactions

Section 2(j) of FEMA states that ‘Current Account Transaction’ means a transaction other than a capital account transaction. Non-trade current account transaction refers to   transactions not related to foreign trade transactions (such as exports and imports of goods and services of a country). Effective 1 June 2015, under the Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) made available…