How operational risk is measured?

Basel Committee on banking supervision has adopted a common industry definition of operational risk. Operational risk is defined as the risk of direct or indirect loss resulting from breakdowns in internal procedures, people, system and external events. Examples of operational risk are frauds, system failure, error in financial transactions, failure to discharge demand of contractual…

RBI Press release on Central Board meets at Mumbai

RBI Press release 2018-2019/1165 date November on 19.11.2018 on Central Board meets at Mumbai The Reserve Bank of India’s (RBI) Central Board met ON 21.11.2018 in Mumbai and discussed the BASEL REGULATORY CAPITAL FRAMEWORK, A RESTRUCTURING SCHEME for stressed MSMEs, BANK HEALTH UNDER PROMPT CORRECTIVE ACTION (PCA) framework and the ECONOMIC CAPITAL FRAME WORK (ECF)…

What is a forward contract?

A forward contract is a privately negotiated agreement between two parties to buy or to sell an asset at a specified price on a future date. Under forward contract, there is an obligation for the buyer to pay for what has been bought and receive delivery thereof as per contract, and for the seller to give…

Things to know before buying life and non-life insurance policies

(This post explains various types of insurance policies available in the market like Life Insurance policies, Health insurance policies, Property Insurance policies including plant and machinery, boiler, shipping insurance, stock of goods, etc., and conditions and clauses to be verified by the buyers before buying them). For many average insurance policy buyers verifying conditions and…


Escrow account is an account placed in trust with a third party usually a bank to hold money which belongs to others. The release of money parked in escrow account will be dependent on conditions agreed to by the transacting parties. The Escrow services are offered to meet diverse requirements of clients that include Sale…