RBI directions to Banks: Govt. accounts reporting window of March 31 shall be kept open till 12 noon on April 1

RBI on Tuesday notified that all government transactions done by agency banks for 2022-23 must be accounted for within the same financial year. All agency banks should keep their designated branches open for over the counter transactions related to government transactions upto the normal working hours on March 31, 2023, said RBI. It further said…

Opening and operating bank accounts of mentally ill, lunatic and insolvent persons

Dealing with accounts of mentally ill or lunatic or insolvent persons remains a delicate job for bankers. Whenever bankers learn that one of their customers is incapable of operating the account due to mental incapacity the operation of such a customer’s account shall be immediately suspended. While dealing with such accounts, bankers need be to…

A guide on export procedures in India

Export documentation and procedures upon prevalent statutes/ amendments and country-specific requirements related to exporting from India are explained in this post. Definition of export: Export means selling goods or services by a person or a company of one country to a buyer in another country. The supplies made to IBRD/IDA/ADB aided projects are termed as…